Why join the course?

Companies are facing a major challenge: optimising the management of their human resources to boost performance while maintaining an engaging and motivating working environment. That’s why they are looking for people who can design and implement innovative HR strategies, capable of recruiting, developing and retaining talent, while aligning human objectives with the company’s overall goals.

The Ms Human Resources at Marseille Business School is a bac+4/bac+5 level programme, offered as initial or sandwich courses, designed to train specialists capable of steering and optimising human resources management within organisations. Throughout the course, you will benefit from both practical and theoretical teaching, perfect for grasping the challenges and nuances of the HR field. Through direct interaction with experts in the sector, you will acquire the expertise you need to excel in the field.

Along the way, you’ll develop key skills in talent management, employment law, HR strategy, management and leadership, and internal communications. You will also learn to use innovative HR tools, conduct in-depth analyses of the organisational climate and devise effective strategies for attracting, developing and retaining talent, skills that are highly valued by employers in a variety of sectors.

  • Initial training
    • 2 days at school per week
    • Minimum 44-day work placement, alternating with courses
  • Work-linked training
    • 2 days a week at school and 3 days a week in the company
  • Registered at Level 7 "Human Resources Manager" of the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles by decision of France Compétences dated 25 April 2022 - Awarded by Ascencia Business School.

Find out more about the French RNCP certification →

  • Human Resources Director
  • Training Manager
  • Talent Manager
  • Recruitment Manager
  • HR Consultant
  • Head of Career Management
  • HR Development Officer
  • Workplace Well-Being Manager
  • Head of Diversity and Inclusion
  • Social Relations Manager
  • HR Project Manager
  • Payroll and Personnel Administration Manager
  • International Mobility Manager

Training programme

Learning objectives

Acquire in-depth expertise in talent management to identify and develop key skills within organisations.

Deepen knowledge of employment law to ensure legal compliance of HR practices.

Designing and implementing HR strategies that are aligned with the company's overall objectives to achieve maximum impact.

Master modern recruitment and assessment techniques to attract the best talent.

Promoting diversity and inclusion as levers for organisational performance and innovation.

Improve organizational performance through effective approaches to management and human resource development.

Lessons learnt

1st year

Human Resources Strategy

Administration du personnel

Développement des Ressources Humaines

Communication RH

Soft Skills

Business Skills

  • Human Resources Strategy
    • Corporate governance and strategy
    • Inclusive policy and diversity management
    • Skills management and staff appraisal
    • Legal watch and HR news
    • Collective intelligence and change management
  • Personnel administration
    • Personnel administration
    • HRIS
    • Pay and salaries
    • HR process and performance management
  • Human Resources Development
    • Training policy management
    • Recruitment policy
    • Pedagogical engineering
    • Digitalising recruitment
  • HR communications
    • Communication policy and strategy
    • Corporate culture & CSR
    • HR marketing & employer branding
    • Digital communication (Social Media)
  • Soft skills
    • Mastering the art of the pitch
    • Convincing & uniting
    • Leadership
  • Business Skills
    • Masterclass
    • Workshop
    • Professional project
    • Business project: Website creation

2nd year

Environnement international des Ressources Humaines

Droit social & Négociation collective

Management des talents

Prospective RH

Soft Skills

Business Skills

  • Business Skills
    • Masterclass
    • Workshop
    • Projet professionnel
    • Business Game
  • International Human Resources Environment
    • International Labour Law Strategy
    • International HR strategy
    • Geopolitics
    • Expatriate Management
    • Compensation & Benefits
  • Employment Law & Collective Bargaining
    • Collective bargaining
    • Trade union law and staff representation
    • Employment litigation and industrial tribunal management
    • Managing the social balance sheet
  • Talent management
    • Inbound recruiting
    • Onboarding and integration
    • Career mobility
    • Remuneration strategy
  • HR Foresight
    • Job and career management
    • Digital transformation of organisations
    • Change management
    • Educational innovation
  • Soft Skills
    • Conflict Management
    • Storytelling
    • Advanced leadership
  • Business Skills
    • Masterclass
    • Workshop
    • Professional project
    • Business Game


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Vous souhaitez rejoindre la communauté Marseille Business School ? La procédure d’inscription et d’admission est simple et totalement gratuite. Nous vous invitons dans un premier temps à nous contacter afin de vous convier à nos sessions d’admission.

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4 - 6 Rue Berthelot, 13014 Marseille

Tel: 04 12 04 53 60

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